Degustation menu

Degustation menu

Tailor  made menu to include  favorite ingredients and premium seasonal produce

Sample menu

Cocktails on arrival
Pomegranate martini - Vodka, pomegranate syrup and lemon juice, sweetened with sugar syrup
Spiked Rose - Rosewater, cranberry juice and sweetened lime juice with Bacardi rum and chopped fresh watermelon


Grilled sardines with pomegranate and pine nuts
Saffron chicken and almond bisteeya with roasted red pepper sauce
Tomato sorbet with basil oil and a crisp basil leaf
Individually plated courses
Salad of roasted beetroot, green lentils, baby spinach, caramelised walnuts and goat’s cheese quenelle
Blue eye cod and celeriac soup scented with saffron and cinnamon
Fried cauliflower, chickpeas, and eggplant pickle with labneh and za’atar and sumac crispbread
Chargrilled quail with garlic, lemon bay leaf and olive oil on a bed of rocket
Crispy-skinned salmon fillet on warm roasted pumpkin with fresh basil, eschalot and chilli
Moroccan lamb tenderloin with preserved lemon and pinenut couscous, dressed with garlic, lemon juice and

On the table:

Freshly sliced sour dough bread and toasted sesame oil Turkish bread
Sea salt, olive oil and cracked pepper

Watermelon granita with sweet yoghurt and walnut praline

Coffee and fresh mint tea